Friday, May 15, 2015

It's Fri-YAY!

It's we know what that means.  I'm linking up again with all sorts of fun people (AprilKarli AmandaTifAndrea, and Rebecca) for Five on Friday!


I've updated my Etsy Shop with lots of new invitations this week and have many more that are on the way!  Be sure to check them out and shoot me a message if there is an occasion or theme you would like to see me create! 


As I mentioned in my mother's day recap, my sister Georgia moved home from Paris last week.  I'm selfishly excited she's home, but I know she had a great time while she was studying abroad and probably didn't miss us that much when she was jetsetting across Europe.  She brought home fresh Macarons and I've become obsessed with figuring out how to bake them.  I've attempted to make Macarons before, but they just didn't have the same je ne sais quoi (look at me using french).  I think this recipe looks good and hope to try it out sometime this weekend.


It's getting hotter and hotter every day and the weather has me dreaming of lightweight clothes and shopping online.  I've fallen in love with this gorgeous dress and am thinking of all the places I could wear it this Summer!


So my best friend is pregnant and I just can't contain my excitement about this.  You might remember Morgan from my post about her wedding here.  I get so giddy to read her texts about the baby and learned last night that the baby is the size of a sweet potato and has fingernails and eyelashes.  I just can't even.  It is the sweetest thing ever, but it is also crazy to me that babies have dead calcium cells to grow hair/nails/etc in the womb.  I can't wait to find out the gender of the baby so "Aunt Katie" can spoil this baby with tons of gifts.  What are your favorite things to give friends for their first baby?  I just want to buy him/her all the things and give tons of snuggles.  


Please ignore the dirt I have for a yard.  Did you know it can take up to 3 years to grow grass.  Let's just pray it doesn't really take that long!  Anywho...this is from last weekend and I couldn't resist a photo of my sisters lounging in our Hammock.  I hope to spend some quality time there myself this weekend!  


  1. Katie, that hammock is fantastic!!! The grass will be there eventually, still looks pretty relaxing to me!! Have an amazing weekend!! xo

  2. Oh I am so excited for you to have your sister home! My sister just moved across the state and the withdrawals are serious! I know you are so happy to have her close by, though I am totally jealous that she got to live in Paris!
