Monday, May 23, 2016

Easy Countertop Herb Garden

There is nothing like having fresh herbs for cooking.  The dried kind just doesn't compare to the taste and smell of fresh Cilantro and Rosemary!  Realistically, though, buying fresh herbs (especially organic) is just not cost effective.  One solution is to grow them in my garden, but I always find that I never have time to water them and they always die, leaving me back at square one!

Recently, Muffin and I were enjoying our weekly visit to  a local antique store and BAM! it hit me!  I could repurpose an old toolbox as a planter to put the plants inside of our house and have them right at my fingertips.   This was an inexpensive and easy solution to my problem.  Having my herbs right on the countertop reminds me that plants actually do need water.  When I'm feeling extra ambitious,  I even think to give them a few hours of sun each week.  Creating an indoor herb planter has been a really easy and cost effective way to get fresh herbs into our meals!

What you need:

  • A vessel of some kind to platn your herbs in.  I love antiques, so I picked an old toolbox, but any pot or box would do.  Don't like antiques?  Try something more traditional like this!
  • Herbs (I picked Rosemary, Mint, Cilantro, and Oregano).
  • Potting Soil


  • Put a base of potting soil into whatever vessel you use (it is best if the vessel has drainage holes for excess water).
  • Break up the roots of your herbs and bury into the soil.
  • Lightly water the soil.
  • Give herbs a few hours of sunlight each week and water as soil requires.
  • Enjoy fresh herbs all season!
I told you...this could not have been easier!

Happy Monday!

Linking with BianaKatieLindaErin and Ashley


  1. What a fun idea! Turned out great!

  2. Oh my goodness! This looks so simple! I have a question: as you're watering it, will it drain out dirt/water all over your counter? Thanks~! So Much Life Blog

  3. It is seriously SO SO easy! Great Question--the drainage depends on the amount of water. If I don't have time to take it outside to fully drain, but it looks like it needs water, I just do a tiny bit (enough to moisten the soil). It's only on days that I've taken it out to get sunshine that I fully soak it through to drain. It also wouldn't hurt to put an old dishcloth underneath it just in case if you are worried!

  4. What a cute idea. I'd love to have that on my island. Thanks for sharing at What'd You Do This Weekend.

    See you next week,

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