
About Me

Katie and Daniel

My name is Katie, and I'm married to Daniel, or Muffin as I like to call him.  He's my high school sweetheart and we met 11 years ago on AOL instant messenger -- yep, that's right we are lame -- all because a mutual friend forgot to put up an away message and asked me to respond to Daniel for her.  Our senses of humor clicked and the rest is history!  We've now been married for 3 years and I couldn't imagine my life without my sweet Muffin!

After high school, we attended different colleges; Daniel opted for a large University studying Business Management and I went to a small Liberal Arts College where I studied Art History and English.  I now work as an Event Planner at a local University while Daniel is a Financial Analyst at a large power company.

If you can't tell already, we are complete opposites.  Daniel is level-headed, grounded, analytical, and loves numbers.  I, on the other hand, am creative, thrive on using my imagination, and driven completely by emotions.  Daniel always keeps me laughing and manages to go along with my crazy ideas!

Why Fête?

 During our first year of marriage, we tragically lost our house to a fire via an arsonist.  It was one of the hardest things I think a newly married couple could ever experience--we lost almost everything (including our pets) and have been on a journey to literally rebuild our lives ever since.

In the winter of 2013, we decided to build a home next door to my parents on my family farm (did I mention that Muffin is the sweetest guy alive).  This blog began as my attempt to document that journey, but has become so much more.  It is now a place to chronicle our life together and my love of making all things in life festive.  Fête is the french word for celebration and after going through such a tragedy, I believe that all things in life should be celebrated with gusto!

Get to Know Our Dogs

We have three fur children: Lucy, Lola and Luna.  Lucy and Lola are 2 year old West Highland White Terriers and are littermates that have never been apart for more than 30 minutes.  Lucy is particularly fond of fishing in Koi Ponds and Lola loves to snuggle her mommy.  Luna is a 1 year old Scottie/Norwegian Elkhound Mix Rescue.  Luna loves to chew bones--any variety is just fine with her!

All three of our babies love to swim and anything flavored with pumpkin!  If you can't tell, we love our dogs a ton and spoil them rotten!


Some products on this blog may be gifted (and will be noted as such), posts may be sponsored, or a small commission may be made via affiliate links, but all opinions are my own and products are only featured here if I truly love them and they fit within my style!