
Friday, September 18, 2015

Five on Friday...have you missed me?

It's we know what that means.  I'm linking up again with all sorts of fun people (AprilKarli AmandaTifAndrea, and Rebecca) for Five on Friday!

ONE I've been a bad blogger lately.  I went on vacation for Daniel's birthday and kinda lost my momentum for a minute.  Work gets so crazy in the fall when the students come back and I found out that I am going to graduate with my Master's a semester early.  While this is SUPER exciting, I'm also in full-on stress mode.  I have a capstone/thesis project to complete and very little time to do it.  I've been spending tons of time reading articles, writing survey questions, and doing tons of research.  To sum it up, I've been pretty darn boring!


We finally started planting grass!!!!  We've been cultivating some gorgeous dirt in our yard since March, and while this really isn't that big of a deal, my dogs keep tracking in tons of mud and it is driving me insane.  Apparently September is the magic month for grass growing here in South Carolina, so last weekend Muffin hopped in the tractor to start tilling up our yard.  It took about a day to put out all the seed and we've been watering it like crazy all week.  I really hope the grass seed takes because I can't wait to see green when I look out the windows (and cut down on my sweeping and mopping time each week).


Daniel and I are heading to San Diego tomorrow and I'm SUPER EXCITED!  He has a conference and I'm tagging along.  It's not exactly an ideal time for me with a bunch of work events coming up, but who can resist an opportunity to go to the zoo?  I can't wait to see the Pandas!


I have decided to start offering hand drawn chalkboards in my Etsy shop.  For those that follow me on Instagram, you might know how much I love creating chalk art.  I've had lots of people message me about it, so I thought it would be a natural fit for the Farm to Fete Shop!  I'm going to try to add a new design each week and keep it updated for seasonal decor items!  Be sure to check back for my new chalk creations.


I'm offering a sale in my Etsy Shop through Sunday to celebrate the crips fall air we've had all week.  I just can't wait to pull out my fall wardrobe and Halloween decorations!  This sale is offering 50% off of everything but professional printing in my shop!

Happy Friday Everyone!